Noticias Khose Nuxco Solidario

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

Julian Assange Refugiado politico

Julian Assange, refugiado político (Julian Assange, Political Refugee)
Here is an editorial about the Assange situation from Ecuador.

(a sorpresiva aparición del fundador de Wikileaks, Julian Assange, en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres, su solicitud formal de asilo político al gobierno del país andino y el ofrecimiento de Quito de evaluar tal petición con base en el respeto a las normas y principios del derecho internacional, así como la tradicional política de Ecuador de precautelar los derechos humanos, disipan el temor de que el periodista australiano fuese entregado en los próximos días a Suecia –donde enfrenta cargos por presunto acoso sexual y violación–, lo cual parecía un hecho consumado tras la negativa del Tribunal Supremo de Gran Bretaña a la solicitud de reabrir el caso correspondiente, la semana pasada.)
A surprise appearance of the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, his formal request for political asylum from the government of the Andean country and offering Quito to evaluate this request based on respect for the rules and principles of international law and the traditional policy of Ecuador to safeguarding human rights, dispel fears that the Australian journalist was delivered in the coming days to Sweden, where he faces charges for alleged sexual harassment and rape-which seemed a fait accompli following the refusal of the Supreme Court of Great Britain to the request to reopen the case for last week.

Regardless of the answer that gives the government of Rafael Correa Assange, the existence of a political refugee in contemporary Europe, the legal fury launched against him by the authorities of two countries of the Old-England and Sweden, and silence saved in this situation by all Western powers realize the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy and political governments that claim often as champions of freedom, transparency, legality and respect for human rights, but act as supporters of authoritarianism, advocates responsible opacity and partisan use of the law and abuses of individual rights.

It should be remembered that there is, strictly speaking, a criminal charge against Assange, but merely a demand for submission as part of an investigation can not hide his true motive: to take over Sweden for later delivery to the U.S. government, whose spokesmen have made no secret purpose Washington fincarle terrorism charges. It is deplorable, but indicative of the contemporary world disorder, court officials in the same Sweden have been led to invent sex crimes in the context of what has been exposed as a revenge operation and damage control in Washington and as a clear attempt to suppress the exercise of transparency and freedom of expression and information that has held the Australian communicator and organization.

This persecution began with the backdrop of global outrage by the evidence of war crimes committed by the invading forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, for the dissemination of the State Department papers which reveal all sorts of unmentionable practices - conspiracy, incitement to corruption, spying, invasion of sovereignty, diplomatic hostility against government critics, unpresentable-concealment schemes, and general irritation expressed by the work of Wikileaks has generated in Washington and in the top world powers. It is significant in this connection that, while Assange yesterday requested asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to Swedish territory, representatives of those powers attending, at the summit of G-20 held in Los Cabos, Baja California, confirmation its inability to generate prospects for resolving the economic and social devastation facing their populations around the world, particularly in European countries.

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